About 2 weekends ago, I think, I participated in a 24 hour rogaine. Michelle, Patrick, Steve, Hamish and I already did some 3 hour rogaining on Wednesdays, so when Berit asked me to join her together with Clare and Katrin on a 24 hour one, I was totally in.
Rogaining is like orienteering (you get a map, you get locations to find, you need compass and common sense...). The only differences are that in rogaining you can skip locations if you cannot find them and in general rogaines take longer. In this case much longer!
The 24 hour rogaine was organised by the University Tramping Club so everybody needed to get dressed up. We weren't that inspirational, however, good Rachel wanted to do some sowing...and it happened to be Swine Flu break out, so we decide to go as Swine Flu carriers.
Lovely Clare
Amazing Berit
Crazy Maaike
Dropped off around Mt Somers we had the most gorgeous weather: blue skies, warm during the first day and absolutely frosty cold at night. We slept near a barn from 12 till 6 (we are not that die-hard) and all the other hours we were hiking up and down the mountains, looking for the specific locations: I had a great time!
Katrin was the best navigator I think, but we all had our Eureka moments when the others couldn't understand where to go. On the long bits we sang songs, national anthems and lullabies: to get ourselves distracted from the cold and hunger...!
The last hours in the morning were absolutely beautiful; I was more enjoying the hiking than looking for the locations...I admit!
I got so distracted with my camera that I took these lovely pictures:
All other pictures are taken by either Berit or myself!