Of course I still had all my papers from uni: first assignment I wrote, first mini- linguistic research I did (following kids in the train and analyse their speech!) and lots of notes. Most notes I had no idea what I was on about (I mean, I could see it was my handwriting, but honestly...No clue whatsoever!), but some notes I would say I master that now. Probably about 5-10%. Quite shocking isn't it?! And about 3 folders of data for my masters. Needless to say I chucked it all out. Autsj. There is no point is keeping it. So by the end of my sneezing time going through the boxes (and the giggles and the moments of 'oh no, yes I remember that') I was left with 3 half full boxes. My European life, 27 years of gathering ... reduced to 3 boxes.
I arranged for the boxes to be shipped out to NZ by Seven Seas. So far they have been amazingly well organised: they delivered new sturdy boxes for free, their paper work was clear, they arranged the NZ custom papers and warned of common mistakes, they rang to remind you of the pick up etc etc. Brilliant. Exactly what a well organised Dutch girl on the other side of the world wants! So my mother re-packed the boxes, put some liquorice in to fill up the load (YAY!!!) and off they went. It can take up to 3 months. So. Fun. So I logged into my account to see whether the payment went through (I told you I was well organised: daughter of my father!) and I found out on which boat my boxes are. How cool! So I googled the boat and it gets even better: you can see where Hyunadai Busan is and what route it has taken. It is near Taiwan at the moment.
And the best bit is that I'm not paying for it, work is!