The world is treating me well. More than 2 weeks ago my friend Helen (left) came down to hot Cairns to pick me up and she took me to their place. Six years ago I worked for Helen and Duncan at their organic farm; then I planned on staying for 2 weeks, I ended up staying for 2 months so that says enough about how Helen, Duncan and I got on!
We were reunited at their new home near Herberton (semi-Outback) and we just picked up our friendship where we left it 6 years ago. Of course some things were still the same, some things were different.
Things which were the same:
- We talked a lot, and if I say a lot, I mean constantly… (sorry Helen for keeping you off work…)
- Helen and Duncan made me feel very very welcome. Perhaps these pictures give you a clue about the indescribable nice atmosphere at their place.
- I did not use a computer for the entire time, I did not watch TV (except 2 movies…) but I did listen to a lot of real Australian music, thanks to Duncan. AC DC rules…
- Duncan’s cooking qualities (left) have not changed, so every single meal was a big hit!
- I worked in and around their farm doing loads of things like taking care of the animals (horses, goats, chickens), cleaning the stables, creating new gardens, cleaning in and around the house. In short: making myself use full after travelling for some months made me feel good!!
- I slept like a baby, every single night. Fresh air, good food, casual work and excellent company wear you out…
- I met loads of their good friends which (by no surprise) turned out to be lovely and inspirational people.
- I have laughed a lot. Again… Still.
Things which have changed:
- Well obviously their house: they have bought a piece of land (bush) and they are planning on building their own house. For the moment they are living in a ‘shed’. Well, that’s the official name, but I genuinely think it’s one of the most romantic spots I have ever been.
- Almost every second day we went horseback riding. Yeah! It was great, really great. Trotting along in the bush, going for long and short rides and I even had a lesson from a good riding instructor. (Picture shows Duncan, Helen and Viola)
- I slept in a caravan next to their house, their shower was very idyllic (open views into the bush) and their toilet was optional: either wee behind a little tree and get great views late at night or use ‘the hole in the ground’ with, well to be honest, another great view!
- I made some good new friends: Roger (the dog) and the horses Rocky (I knew him already), Condor and Spot (‘my’ horse, see picture).
- Duncan and Helen wanted to do some preventive fire burning so if there is a real fire threat, they are safe. They decided to wait until I was there. Best decision ever! They did not know I am a little pyromaniac…So off I went on their four wheeler (a quad) and burned the place. And then sit back close to the fire to watch it and listen to it. GREAT!
Anyway, I really relaxed at their home, their land and their bush. Their company and their animals gave me the ultimate relaxing feeling. Well, I was already very relaxed, but I did some good thinking about living in remote areas and why I am so much enjoying my travelling and just loving the little things in life. Sounds tacky, but I still feel I am one of the luckiest people in the world…
In the meanwhile I am in Darwin, in another very enjoyable place where I feel very welcome again: at my cousin, Imke! More stories will follow soon(ish)!
Zo, dat werd tijd dat we weer eens wat hoorden. Het gaat je dus geweldig lees ik.
Zes jaar geleden heb ik een hoop verhalen van je gehoord over Helen en Duncan. Toen had je geen fototoestel bij je. Het is leuk om dan nu een foto van hen te zien. Ik kan me niet herinneren dat ze op de videoband stonden die je mee naar huis bracht.
De woonomstandigheden zijn wel even heel anders dan toen, denk ik. Je zegt Herberton, semi outback. Was waar ze vroeger woonden echt outback of ook semi?
Jij die zegt dat je "constantly" gepraat hebt! Dat moet dan toch wel heel verschrikkelijk geweest zijn als jij dat al vindt!
Wat lekker, reglementair fikkie mogen stoken. Is dat effe mazzel. Maar goed dat je zoveel ervaring hebt.
Doe Imke ontzettend mijn groeten. Ik ben bezig aan een lange brief naar haar.
Nog veel plezier, mamma.
Lieve Maaike,
Ik ben het helemaal met je mama eens. Heerlijk om weer van je te horen. Fijn dat je het zo naar je zin hebt!
Enjoy! En we kijken alweer uit naar een volgend verslag ;)
Lieve Maaik,
ik ben jaloers op je! Wat heerlijk om hele dagen te vullen tussen de animals en veel te paardrijden!!! gaaf
enjoy x Kris
He lieve Maai,
Leuk om te lezen, al jouw stories. Wat een fantastische foto's ook. Nog nooit zo'n stam in het echt gezien. Echt amazing. En die kindjes staan je ook wel schattig!
Zit je nu al in Nieuw Zeeland?
Tenslotte wens ik je alvast een hele fijne verjaardag morgen! Ik ben zelf niet meer op kantoor dus kan je morgen niet mailen. Maak er wat moois van! Tot mails, X Lot
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