Wednesday 28 November 2007

What about...

updating your damned blog, Maaike...???

Sorry sorry, I am genuinely sorry for not keeping in touch for more than a month and not emailing anyone at all. Have I forgotten about 'home'? Yes, to be honest I have. I just had an amazing month with Eefje together with our lovely van (yes, Patrick, our van), cruising along the Southern Island having an excellent time: hiking, kayaking and doing heaps of 'fun' stuff. Last weekend I was back in Christchurch (Eefje has left already...) to hand over the van to Patrick, but no time for the lazy people: Patrick and I went on a wee trip straight away and had some genuine good catching up to do!

On Monday my Irish friends Mark and Ellie came down to Christchurch as well. In the category 'small world' I have told you that story before. Ellie and Patrick have known each other from way back when they were little, so Ellie and Mark (they're a couple) were checking out Patricks weblog a couple of months ago and Mark saw my name. Patrick does not know Mark, but I know Mark from the diving club in Dublin. So we had a weird reunion on Monday: Mark knowing me, Ellie knowing Patrick, Patrick knowing me, Mark (obviously!) knowing Ellie...So we had a lovely day with the four of us yesterday and today I took off with Mark and Ellie to the South to do another multiple day walk. Great people, great environment and great weather!!!

So, anyway, to keep it short: I'm doing just excellent, absolutely loving it (yes, dangerously loving it...) and if Eefje sends me some nice pictures this weekend (hint...) I will write some nice stories about my previous weeks!!


Anonymous said...

Glad to read that you're doing well and thoroughly enjoying your travels. Stay safe and enjoy yourself!!;-)

Anonymous said...

Guusje: Gelukkig maar dat Patrick wel z'n blog geupdate heeft waardoor je daar te zien bent :-) XX

Anonymous said...

En het werd tijd inderdaad. Ik wil mooie verhalen nu en foto's.

Anonymous said...

Lieve Maaike,

Wat fijn weer eens wat van je te horen!! En wat geweldig dat je het naar je zin hebt!

Knuffels van ons alledrie
Petra, Lex en Toon

Anonymous said...

Hoi Maaie,
Zo je bent weer boven water, en kunnen alle zoekacties op het zuidelijk halfrond gestaakt worden (en kunnen Thunderbirds 2, 3 en 4 worden teruggeroepen!)
Goed te horen dat alls goed met je gaat, en we zullen hier binnenkort in het Utregse een extra kerstcocktail op je drinken, veel liefs, Thomas