Some weeks ago I went for a wee tiny hike with Paul and Katrina: just to get out of Christchurch for the weekend. Not much walking, but more time for games! And a lovely view...Basically, this is my back yard (yes, I have a huge imagination...)
And then, Christmas lunch with my colleagues in our 4 person team. It's a bit funny, because I am in a team, but I only work with Diana. And I work with loads of other people outside my team. But Diana, Heather T, Heather C and I are called a team (and for the summer we have Jamie, the student!)...I think they have a good (academic) theory why we should be in 1 team...My theory is that we are all a bit nuts, so that matches quite well! Anyhow, we went for lunch at a nice cafe and we all worn some of Hilary's clothes (Diana's 6-year old). Why? I don't know but we had loads of fun...and laughs, good food and mjummie dessert. And honestly, I'm sharing my cake with Jamie, I'm not taking it of his plate...
Heather C made me do it (honestly dad, ofcourse I wouldn't misbehave while you are not here!!)
Boss Diana, although she hates it if I call her that...Doesn't she loose all credibility with the wings and tiara?
Jamie: we made him choose the last of course!
Heather T: tiny wings but she can truly fly!
Heather C: my office partner...absolutely loves pink. Just as me!
Me and the wizard hat...
Now I'm so prepared for 10 days with my cousin Imke and 5 year old Josie and 1,5 year old Liam in Darwin...!
hahaha charming pic Maaike!! you know which I mean...
from a just-cold-but-no-white-christmas - holland: big hug! Enjoy christmas!
Love the hat sis
Did your mother never tell you not to lick a knife?
I don't know.. xx
No, our mother didn't, dad did. And see how much of an impression that made...
I listen to everything my parents tell me...
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