Veronica is one of my friends with whom I go biking and climbing: I don't see her much at all, but she is really good company to be with. So, she turned 30 and instead of organising a party, she organised a weekend away. Excellent!
Veronica booked a bach and about 30 people came out to play. Since her boyfriend Charlie is a rediculous good mountainbiker (Veronica is not too bad either!) they took most of us out on some cool tracks. Loved it. Again. Also discovered that the 'oh so modest' Patrick is quite capable of biking too (he is better at it than me!). So he is busted and he will be dragged onto the mountains more often. Before you think he was modest in saying he wasn't good enough...No, he is just lazy and he fooled me by saying he couldn't do it. Oooh, does he probably wish he didn't show his skills...loser. My revenge will be sweet...

While driving to the bach I was complaining to Patrick that I love having so many outdoor friends in NZ but that I miss the dancing, clubbing and wicked friends from home sometimes (you can fill in the names yourself!). I only been dancing once here...

And as if everybody heard me say that: we had a superb party in the evening!! Everybody made some food, loads of drinks were drunk, happy chats were held and some excellent dancing was shown. My crazy dancing needs were fulfilled!
I love dancing. I can never have enough of it. Nice to see some kiwi's here love it too... ;-)
[all pictures taken by Patrick: they show the 'gezelligheid' don't they...Is there an English word for 'gezelligheid'...Don't know]
1 comment:
Nee Maaike er bestaat in geen enkele taal een woord voor gezelligheid volgens mij! Goed om te lezen dat je sommige Dutchies toch nog wel eens mist... als ik namelijk al je foto's en verslagen zo bekijk zou je haast denken dat je geen tijd en geen reden hebt om ook maar een seconde aan dat saaie NL te denken!!
Nou deze Duthcy mist jou ook hoor, het is echt raar elkaar al zo lang niet gezien te hebben. Het doet me wel heel goed te zien dat je het daar volgens mij nog steeds uitermate goed naar je zin hebt.
So far,
dikke kus
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