Before we started we discussed that the main thing was that we should enjoy the race, so we classified ourselves as non-competitive. While looking at the map, the route and the day itself I suggested that we should aim for a race time of 8 hours and Michelle and Amy ‘mightly’ agreed.

We started with a hard 3 km tedious raft challenge across a lake: we paddled hard (we actually did...) and we were the 10th boat into the river (out of 40 boats so 80 teams). The river turned out to be an annoying bumpy 11 km run where 9 boats passed us...All that hard effort for nothing. Garumph...

Anyhow, Patrick and Steve were our heroes for the day: they made sure we had a smooth shift from wetsuits to bike gear, from empty bellies to filled muffin stomachs! Muscles were a bit cold, but Amy set the pace for the first 10 km mountainbiking! Next was hiking up the hill; the beautiful day had become a quite hot day and my body decided to go against that. I needed to go one gear lower, which was totally fine with Michelle who lead the way, but it frustrated me for a while....

After some excellent navigation (definitely our strong side compared to the other teams!) and a quick descent it was biking again. Still a happy trio, making fun along the way and not tempted to go crazy on the bike: some cool downhill bits made us pass several teams. This time I showed off the tricks, smoothly followed by the other 2. After a warm welcome at the transition spot, some more food in our body, it was off to do the last walking and navigation bit. And this is where the Mighty Midgets became more competitive than we thought we were. Steve reckoned we could not do it within an hour and although we promised each other that we would NOT run at all, we noticed that we were being overtaken by a few teams. Knowing we were good at the navigation we decided to run at strategic points. Amy up front, me happy following and Michelle struggling but damn serious! It resulted in taking back our position, keeping the last leg within the hour and we finished within less than 7 hours in total...We came 30th and they classify the first 40 as competitive teams... Great achievement!
However the real amazing thing about this event is, that there are competitive teams, but also teams who are in their sixties and who have never done this before. Someone took this picture below: it's a classic!

Very tired though extremely satisfied we, the Mighty Midgets, realised that we were a well balanced team: every time one of us felt extremely good and that person set the pace for the other 2. The training beforehand was never a boring moment and during the race there was no spark of frustration within the team (Amy didn’t need to use the ‘happy lollies’). We are definitely in for next year, this time as a better trained team with still maximum fun. And the best thing now is that we keep training together...
And finally, one of my favourite pictures: mighty Michelle and Amy...

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