So now plenty of time to arrange the final things like visas, insurance, vaccinations, catch up with my parents while drinking a Leffe Dubbel. Good stuff...
To your left [to bad you only see the picture and not my 10 efforts to put it here...] My true best friend 'miss Paspoort'; she has been with me since 2004. She has never travelled for an extensive time with me (no Australia 2001 nor Ireland 2002-2003), but she enjoyed China (2005) so she is dying to go!
On your right hand side we have 'Mr Wallet'. He has been in my pocket since 1998 so he is an experienced traveller. He enjoys different currencies. Euros have been in his possession way too long, so he is looking forward to the change. He is very introvert and unsociable; he likes to be very close to me and he doesn't trust other people easily. I respect him for that of course.
On my left we have 'Lady Red'. My Tatanka backpack, 50 litres and specially made for 'tiny' people so she fits perfectly on my 'tiny' back. She enjoys the company of my friends 'Tent' and 'Sleeping bag', but for this trip only 'Sleeping bag' is coming along. You can see him crawling close to her already. 'Tent' is looking for asylum; my friend Guusje might take her. Illegally of course because our old minister Verdonk always says 'full=full' so I will sneak her on board the train tomorrow.
Here are the youngest of my good friends. They are in my possession since the summer of 2005 [my old shoes got sick during China and eventually 'died' during a conference meeting in Norway]. The Hanwag twins proofed their skills during two terrible wet trips in the Ardenne, Belgium, [Ascension Day 2006] and Wales last summer. Very comfy, extremely dry and they NEVER complain. 'respect' is in order here for such youngsters!
Anyhow, these are my friends. My dad can sleep well now, knowing that I have such trust full friends. They will look after me, just as I look after them. It's a win-win situation!
Love your story telling sis. If you continue to write stories like these I'm going to be a frequent visitor of your site.
excuse me? Even if my stories were dreadful boring I expect you to read them...
but cheers, thanks, I like writing...
I've got a vivid imagination...for a 27 year old!
Lieve Jonkie,
ik even in mn moerstaal. Wat een leuke site heb je nu al! Erg grappig jouw Engels en je reisgenoten (dat kan niet misgaan). Alvast een fantastische reis en tijd gewenst, maar ik hoop dat ik je nog snel even zie, je pannetje verlangt naar haar eigenaresse... ! Kus Kris
Hi Maaike,
Since I am a day-to-day visitor of Sjroepie's log, I saw the links to your page. I totally agree with Sjoerd; Love your way of writing :)! I think I'll add the page to my regular visits!
Nog 1 nachtje... :-)
Lieve Maaik
goede reis!!!
x Kris
Lieve Maaike!
Het spijt me heel erg dat je niets meer van me gehoord hebt, voor je vertrek en na Debrecen. Ik kan nu beginnen met een smoesjeslijst over beltegoed dat op was, telefooncellen die niet meewerkten en weet ik wat nog meer, maar laat ik je daar niet mee lastigvallen. Ik ben gewoon slecht!
Maar ik beloof je verhalen trouw te volgen en je zo vaak mogelijk te mailen.
Maak er een hele mooie tijd van!!!!
Ik ben jaloers op je! En op je reisgenoten. (:
x Cath
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