The hot pools were completely different than the ones on Welcome Flat (with Eefje); the pools just happened to be in the middle of the river...Quite incredible and very very hot...(can you see the 'boiling' water?)
While being in the pools it rained a lot (who cares?!) and the trip to and from the pools was very pleasant too. We had to cross some rivers (see picture: I am about to go in and the water came ABOVE my waist) and along the way there were some classic New Zealand picture moments...I guess you understand why I am going to miss New Zealand a lot...
On our way back Patrick decided to do some caving too: we went into Cave Stream. It was truly impressive. Getting into the caves you had to go through water, again halfway my waist, and then we had to continue walking in water, climbing up here and there, falling here and there and all this in pitch darkness (thank God for head torches!). And leaving the cave on hands and knees...I wasn't sure whether I was claustrophobic: turns out I am not...I never knew caving was that much fun!
Mmmm, yeah, New Zealand is a keeper...
Thanks for not mentioning the crazy golf.
oh yeah I forgot about my fetish...yes we played mini-golf and guess who won...
Not a problem, you of course, as always.
Warning for Patrick: you will loose always if you play mini-golf with Maaike, like we do since our holyday in Denmark. There she lost the last time.
and holiday in denmark was in 1993 if I remember correctly...
Well we'll just have to see about that... I was winning up until the 16th hole... so while I'll admit Maaike did win this time - I'm not sure about this 'always loosing' business... and either way it'd be fun trying :)
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