The biggest difference compaired with the first two trips was that we went by boat into the jungle to get to an even more remote area. That entire experience was unique on it´s own. I really felt like I was in a National Geografic documentary about the Amazone. Besides that we had a guide, Ryse, who grew up in that part of the jungle and he literally knew everything about the wildlife, the flora and fauna.
You could see us stare into the trees many times (like Beat and Martina are demonstrating nicely!). And if you are on a real expedition like we were, you might bump into unexpected things...Ever wondered where cocaine is made off...Behold, an illegal coca plantation!
Our group was a bit tame to my liking, but then again Ryse found a partner in crime to do the most challenging things. We went insect hunting so we could seduce the giant spiders to come out of their little holes. Mind you, spiders the size of my hand (even a tarantula!)...
Ryse discovered I love climbing trees, so I tried everything he suggested...the papaya tree, the tarzan swinging and the hollow tree. Too bad most of my climbing was not as succesfull as the monkey-like acts of the locals. But I had fun, that was the most important part!
Because it was very hot and humid (of course, it´s the jungle) and I was not used to the heath anymore, I wanted to go swimming. Nobody else wanted to come, so no worries, I go on my own. But Ryse didn´t let me: he figured the river was not what I was used to. And I am not ashamed to say: yes, the river compensated for the quiet group...We decided to cross the river, but the current dragged me along for half a mile...Little miss arrogant, thinking that she could easily cross it...Needless to say that I loved it! And lateron it turned out that one of the locals loved my bikini, because it got stolen while hanging outside to dry...
The last night we went for another walk and we did a miserable attempt in fishing. We found a turtle though and literally several dozens of baby crocodiles. Martina and I were allowed to hold some of them and you know what...If you squeeze them just a little too hard, they make the funniest sound like [ounk ounk]. Yes, the jungle is fabulous!
After that trip we headed back to Cusco and since the Peruvian family I stayed with before, liked me, they offered I could stay with them again. For free...The next day Martina and I took off to Huacachina to try something new (and hot, very hot): sandboarding!
It´s the same like snowboarding except that there is no snow but you board on massive sanddunes. Martina -being Swiss- went downhill flawless, I on the other hand have had only one week of snowboard experience. But I went surprisingly smooth and fast. Of course I fell a few times, but well, that´s what goggles are for!
After all that excitement it´s time for the big city. Lima is a massive city with more than 8 million people (did I mention before I prefer the countryside?). Martina and I have enjoyed good food: ceviche (raw fish mmmm) and cheap sangria. After a tearfull goodbye, Martina headed to Equador this morning I went into the city ´to sniff around´. I walked for ages and now I have seen enough of Lima. Too big for my liking...
So tomorrow morning I leave early, taking 5 planes (oh my God, what a pollution...) via Venezuela and Trinidad to hopefully get 2 days later to my final destination of my trip around the world: Suriname! My reward will be sweet though: I will see one of my best friends from secondairy school again whom I haven´t seen since 2 years.
Oh Maaike,
Wat klinkt het weer geweldig! Ik heb alleen en beetje medelijden met de krokodiletjes! onk onk...zielig! ;)
Geniet van Suriname en van het weerzien!
Great that you got some sandboarding in... hopefully it transfers to the ski fields when you get here :) px
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Vinho, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
Hey Maaike
I guess seeing as you haven't posted in a little while you must be having a really good time in Suriname! Our vague plans to come see you in Holland before you jet off to NZ are unlikely to happen as my exotic disease is proving more elusive than originally thought! Really sorry we won't get to see you again before you go - we'll just have to redouble our efforts to get you to move to Ireland! Safe travelling over the next few weeks, Ellie and Mark
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